Wazzup people! Haven't posted in a long time! (7 days.)
Every year at my school, the teachers write songs for a show: 'de Brugklasshow'. I means: The first class show, ya know, the kids new on this school sing songs. I really wanted to see this show, because it is known as the most pathetic thing on earth. BUT, BUT, BUT: My Drama teacher asked me and a friend of mine, Tyas, to present this show. And we both said yes. I did NOT regret it, it was awesome! The people backstage were the coolest in the wórld (except my ex boyfriend. I hate him), saw mister Weymans again (he left school a year ago, boohoo.) and Tyas and I had so much fun! Ofcourse we didn't remember our sentences! Ofcourse we forgot the script!
Had a lot of fun!
If there is anyone that was there and made some photo's, please send them to me: Kayleight@gmail.com
zaterdag 29 november 2008
zaterdag 22 november 2008
maandag 17 november 2008
zondag 16 november 2008
Sleeping at Larissa's!
Stayed at Larissa's house yesterday and I gotta say it was fun. We watched the movie Gothika, you know, with Halle Berry, wich was pretty awesome. This morning we played a game called Atmosfear. Kinda scary, but cool. I want that game too.
Stayed at Larissa's house yesterday and I gotta say it was fun. We watched the movie Gothika, you know, with Halle Berry, wich was pretty awesome. This morning we played a game called Atmosfear. Kinda scary, but cool. I want that game too.
woensdag 12 november 2008
Forever in Love

Don't blame me, I'm a teenage girl. Let me explain first: I had a relation with a guy named Bent for almost a half year. He was my first true love. After breaking up, we both felt shit about it so now, after like 2 months, we decided to meet at my place after work. Let's say we had a nice time. We are like Black and White, like Left and Right. We are both very different. But that's what makes us as a couple so special. He is very tall, I'm very small. He doesn't speak much, I talk like all the time. He's very quiet, I'm very loud. He doesn't dare much, I have a lot of courage. So when he left, I asked him: "Wanna see how much courage I have?" He said Yes. What happend next is between me and him. *Angelface* This photo, by the way, is an old one.
I Love You!
dinsdag 11 november 2008
Just an ordinairy schoolday
No photo's today. It was just an ordinairy schoolday, so nothing interesting happened. So, here are the ups and downs of today:
1. Mathclass. I sat next to Larissa, one of my schoolmates. We were talking about triangles (Sine, Cosine and Tangent). I really don't understand Math. So the teacher asked: "What do you guys use for this triangle? Sine, Cosine or Tangent?" I looked at it, for a long time, and found out that it can't be calculated. So I said: "Sir, you can't calculate this." And then, everybody started to applause and things. So I asked: "Was that the good answer?" Sir Math-teach-sir nodded yes. Then Larissa said: "Omg Kayleigh, I said that like 3 hours ago." Shameeeeee.
2. Matchclass, again. Theo is the most stupid guy in school and he is sitting next to Larissa. Suddendly, Larissa started to laugh. I asked why, and she said: "Oh my god! Theo is sleeping!" And yeah people, he did. So I started laughing to, laughing like crazy.
3. Dutch class. A funny motherfucker trew 3, seriously !3! stink bombs in class! I nearly puked.
4. Somethings called 'Maatschappijleer'. When the teacher picked up the phone, he picked his underpants out of his ass. Omg, laughed my butt of again.
Sometimes I like school!
1. Mathclass. I sat next to Larissa, one of my schoolmates. We were talking about triangles (Sine, Cosine and Tangent). I really don't understand Math. So the teacher asked: "What do you guys use for this triangle? Sine, Cosine or Tangent?" I looked at it, for a long time, and found out that it can't be calculated. So I said: "Sir, you can't calculate this." And then, everybody started to applause and things. So I asked: "Was that the good answer?" Sir Math-teach-sir nodded yes. Then Larissa said: "Omg Kayleigh, I said that like 3 hours ago." Shameeeeee.
2. Matchclass, again. Theo is the most stupid guy in school and he is sitting next to Larissa. Suddendly, Larissa started to laugh. I asked why, and she said: "Oh my god! Theo is sleeping!" And yeah people, he did. So I started laughing to, laughing like crazy.
3. Dutch class. A funny motherfucker trew 3, seriously !3! stink bombs in class! I nearly puked.
4. Somethings called 'Maatschappijleer'. When the teacher picked up the phone, he picked his underpants out of his ass. Omg, laughed my butt of again.
Sometimes I like school!
maandag 10 november 2008
The Violent Dentist
OMG, went to the dentist today. (Nah, dentist.. The one that fixes your brace.) Damn, that old, freaky, nasty person is violent! Okay okay, let's start from the beginning. First he blows his nose. He cleans his hand with only a paper thingy. Then he puts his hands, without even thinking about it, in my mouth. I wanted to scream some things like: "You disgusting person! You are disgusting! You disgust me!" but I desided to keep quiet and try not to puke. Whatever. The old man starts to pull on some wires in my mouth, unbelieveble! And when he had to put a new wire in, he was pushing the thing in like it was it was the end of the world if it doesn't fitted. My whole mouth hurts because of that bastard.
Thanks again, motherfucker. See you next time!
If I have my drivers licence and he crosses the street, he has a fucking problem.
zondag 9 november 2008
Horse Shop.
Me and my dad went to a little horseshop today! I already visited the website like a million times and after emailing with the shopowner I visited the shop.
Ofcourse, a few of the things I wanted where sold out, but the friendly lady offered me to send them to me. Yeah, that's what we call service! And you know what? If I send in a nice photo of the panter bridle I bought, my dear Farine might even get her own picture on the site!
A sneak peak of the things I bought:
Awesome Panterbridle / Awesome Panterhalter / Checkered Pad / Fleeceblanket / Yellow pad with horsebackprotectionthingy / Glitterhalter
zaterdag 8 november 2008
Bored N tired

Omgawd I'm so bored. Daddy is watching a stupid movie, dog and lill' bro are asleep and Cheaks (stephmum) is upstairs doing something I don't know, propably calling. Time for a cool message.
I WANNA GO TO KATY PERRY! You know, the chick from " I Kissed A Girl" and "Hot N Cold". She's in Amsterdam, 1 March, and I wanna go with my friend Naomi. Ofcourse my mum said I can't, but I swear by theverything that's sacred that I WILL go to Katy. She like, awesome. I love her style. She's awesome and she is dating that cool guy from The Gymclass Heroes. Katy is cuwlish! Katy RULES!
And I'm missing Naomi more then she could ever know. Naomi is a very good friend of mine, maybe even my best. But yeah, life sucks, she doesn't live near by. She lives in Drunen, I live in Hulst. That's like, far away. So fuck the world. I love that Naomi kid and she knows it. I wanna go to Katy Perry with her. She already bought the tickets, so I only have to convince my mum that I'm a big girl and can go to a concert on my own. I already went to Tokio Hotel twice.
Trying to fit in

What's up people?
Okay, I really thought this was more complicated. So you just type your message to the world and click the orange button below? Wow. Simple as that!
So, cause my dad has a very cool Blog, I wanted one too. I also write messages at his Blog, but I don't really know how to post that here. Whatever. This is my Blog.
I'm Kaylz, full name Kayleigh. I'm 15 years old and ready to take over the world. And also ready to show you guys the most stupid photo's I make. Wanna see them? Just keep an eye on my blog. The first photo is my horse Farine, with me in the saddle. She's a 9 years old NRPS mare, and I got her exactly one week ago. The two horses on the second photo are both Shetland ponys, called Binky and Macho. Love them too.
So, now you know something about me, it's time to fuck this blog up.
See yah!
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